Ao Haru Ride 11 – Less tsun MOAR DERE!!!

The feeeeels! The feeeeeeeeels!!!

The feeeeels! The feeeeeeeeels!!!

So FINALLY we get to know why Kou changed. Took long enough.
And his unwavering tsun-ness finally cracks. YAY!! Sooo glad he’s finally gonna get less tsun.
Waiting for ep 12 now. Will probably crack and read the manga at some point…

This face though.

This face though.

And much as I want to like Yuuri, cos she’s adorable and all, I don’t much… though it’s nice to see her and Futaba actually be amicable about the whole ‘liking the same guy’ thing, cos usually that situation in anime/manga leads to bitchiness and fighting and falling out. Though obviously neither of them are super ok with it, they’re doing as well as they can. I’d probably be like Futaba/Yuuri in the same situation. I don’t like conflict XD

Flashbacks used to explain Kou's massive change in personality. Took 11 episodes for him to open up. 11 EPISODES. When there are ONLY 12. DARRRGGGG

Flashbacks used to explain Kou’s massive change in personality. Took 11 episodes for him to open up. 11 EPISODES. When there are ONLY 12. DARRRGGGG

As for Tanaka-sensei and Murao… not sure where that’s going. I’d like to root for Kominato-kun, but… I dunno if it’ll end well for him.

(I will be updating these caps with better quality ones...)

(I will be updating these caps with better quality ones…)

At least I’m almost dead certain it ends well for Futaba, which I’m sooooo glad about. Sure it might take… wha… wait… there are only 12 episodes?!??! IT HAPPENED AGAIN!! I assumed No Game No Life was a 20+ ep series and I was WRONG. And now this too?!?!? Oh I am so reading the manga now… 12 eps.. that means next week is the finale… THEY BETTER GODDAMN GET TOGETHER!!!!

Also. lol.

Hurr hurr

Hurr hurr

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