Sony Cybershot DCS-W170


This is my new camera. A Sony Cybershot DSC-W170 10.1 megapixels, 5x optical zoom, none of that digital crap lol. 28mm wide angle lens, super steady shot(which I totally need…) and other bits n bobs, smile shutter, face detection.


This is my old camera. Konica Digital Revio KD-400Z 4.0 Megapixels 8 to 24 mm lens. Not sure what else… its not technically mine, I just took it to Uni with me, tis a family camera lol.

I’ve been getting used to the settings, and realising that the lighting in my house is crap. Especially downstairs. Makes things look like paintings… Very strange, with the set up I’ve got back at uni I’m sure they’ll be much better. I’ll continue testing stuff. Will try setting up lighting here, I’ve got enough lamps after all, just means I’ll have to scout out some plug sockets…

My brothers cat Tom, natural light makes for a better photo. I've always known that lol.

My brothers cat Tom, natural light makes for a better photo. I've always known that lol.

Inside, evening, all natural light downstairs, looks like a painting doesn't it?

Inside, evening, all natural light downstairs, looks like a painting close up doesn't it?

Combo of ceiling light, bedside light, and open curtain-natural light lol.

Combo of ceiling light, bedside light, and open curtain-natural light lol.

Close up of Estel Freesia, lovely purple hair. From Kotobukiya, first spotted on DC last year sometime I think...

Close up of Estel Freesia, lovely purple hair. From Kotobukiya, first spotted on DC last year sometime I think...

Darling Koko. Not the best kotobukiya figure ever made, but I love her none the less. Love he face, her eyes and hair, so cute.

Darling Koko. Not the best kotobukiya figure ever made, but I love her none the less. Love he face, her eyes and hair, so cute.

Close up of the lovely Sana Horiuchi, great figure. One of my earlier figures.

Close up of the lovely Sana Horiuchi, great figure. One of my earlier figures.

My Kagami figma, while I was sitting in bed playing Animal Crossing CF lol.

My Kagami figma, while I was sitting in bed playing Animal Crossing CF lol.

My cat, if you rub her tummy she rolls around in the strangest positions...

My cat, if you rub her tummy she rolls around in the strangest positions...

Koto Konomi. Lovely dynamic figure, underrated, my second To Heart 2 figure actually.

Koto Konomi. Lovely dynamic figure, underrated, my second To Heart 2 figure actually.


I'm quite suprised at that angle that she hasn't leaned yet. Almost a year I've had her.

I'm quite suprised at that angle that she hasn't leaned yet. Almost a year I've had her.


If these pics were taken just quickly, imagine how good they could be if I set something up and prepare for pictures! I’m sure if I took a figure outside they’ll look great. Maybe later, tomorrow I’m going out though, I know. And right now its dinnertime! So I’ll be off! Just showing off what my new camera can do!

If anyone has any helpful tips and pointers on how to get the best performance, please tell. I’ve been using the ISO setting, no flash, high sensitivity, with incandecent white balance, cos otherwise it’s more yellowy in my room lol.

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8 Responses to “Sony Cybershot DCS-W170”

  1. Edward Says:

    These photos look nice for quick test shots! I have worked with three Sony cameras so far and you are already doing well with the settings. Sony compacts have a noise problem so I would try to stay at 400ISO or lower. Not sure what you mean by “high sensitivity” since ISO is sensitivity to light. Try switching sensitivity to normal or off and see what results the camera gives you.

    For figure I suggest you try some tabletop lighting techniques. You can also try photo settings like landscape and portrait when shooting you figures. Also try a snow, sunny and or cloudy setting. It will can give you nice mood color balance.

  2. EuroSubstance Says:

    Nice camera get, its just a pain trying to take images indoors or during the night, slightest movements and your images blur.

    Congrats on the camera 😀

  3. loli1983 Says:

    Nice buy. I’m sure your Cyber-shot is better than mine. I don’t even know what version mine is but i know that i had a very hard time figuring out the adjustments. My camera is 1 year old, i got it last Christmas in 2007. Before that i was using disposables.

  4. xJAYMANx Says:

    @M132-chan: Finally posted my W120, lol. ^_^

  5. xJAYMANx Says:

    @M132: Sorry, forgot about this comment too, lol.

    Ehh, must be a guy thing, cuz Daleks are awesome, even if it’s actually a robot prop over a tricycle (old trivia, lol). Must be the Dalek’s screeching “Exterminate! Exterminate!” Much better than the Cybermen’s growling “Delete! Delete!” LOL. And you’re right, lots of Torchwood sex. But that’s part of its *mystique*, haha.

    Oh yeah, I finally got my spare battery and memory stick today (Dec 27th) which is cool. But I’m not worried about your parents knowing your preorders, I’m worried if *you* remember them! >_<

  6. gordon Says:

    i can suggest try your best to shoot in an environment with good lighting (outdoors), use low ISO, set to macro shooting mode, daylight white balance is good, off the flash and of course a pair of steady hands. ^^;

  7. acesan Says:

    Nice get! I think your camera is the later model than mine that I got mid this year .. mine is the W150 version. I think my next camera will be a Canon, perhaps an entry level DSLR .. might get one next year. Want to try different than Sony (I have Sony everything else, so I got the camera too :P)

  8. John West Says:

    The best feature is 28 mm wide angle lens and 5x optical zoom.

    Using small tripod and ISO 80 you will get nice pictures even in low light

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