Posts Tagged ‘ps4’

Gundam Breaker 3 – This game is going to ruin me

May 8, 2016
The backpack is currently clipping through the wings, but it's worth it XD

The backpack is currently clipping through the wings, but it’s worth it XD

So because of Build Fighters, we got back into building Gunpla, and subsequently I heard about this game getting an English Asian release… and Rice Digital stocking it…(Super out of stock now I’m afraid. They did say it’d be very limited!) things happened, stuff got added to baskets. Long story short. I bought the game. I have no regrets. Apart from the fact we now have to fight over PS4 time. Part of me wishes I bought it for the Vita too. But I figured it’d look cooler on the big TV. Which is does. Very much so. But as I’m typing, the husbando is playing. Fair enough I spent close to 4 hours playing earlier. But he got to play all of yesterday while I was at work. So he’s ahead of me. When I bought the game! He didn’t even want it…
