Posts Tagged ‘moe imouto’

The Haruhi Hype

February 4, 2009
Click for hi res.

Click for hi res.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m really looking forward to it, I can’t wait in fact. What I can do without is all the hype, the rumors, and the waiting. People have been talking for MONTHS and I am getting bored… bored of the epicly long wait… I don’t wanna spend any longer than I do watching a laptop screen, especially not reading a real book on a screen…. I want the real book if anything…. But if this new season doesn’t come out soon…..


Buying Uni Art supplies – Aguuuu….

September 11, 2008

Was in Norwich today. Finally got all the pads and extra bits and bobs I need for my Animation Design class. 

Two A3 Sketch pads, one normal ringbound and one layout pad(like tracing paper only less see-through, I had to ask where it was lol). I got one ringbound and 3 bogstandard sketch pads, for backup. I got 2 A5 sketchbooks, one with a white cover so you can design it yourself. I got 8″ by 5″ cards for what I assume with be storyboards. They coulda just told us they were A5 lol, much easier to find. I got 2 more of my favourite pens; the Uniball Eye Micro. Dries mucho fast, love them. And you can see when they’ve almost run out cause of a window in the side of the pen! I also needed blue pencils…. I got two different blues to be safe. I got some extra sketching pencils too, 2B/4B etc. I had to get a stopwatch too, timing for animation and whatnot I’m guessing. Also got a new Stadtler rubber, my old one which I carry everywere is severely depleted compared to the new one…. I didn’t realise how small it had gotten… Also got some whitetack, for posters and stuff in my room, a mini stapler, and a 2gb USB memory stick. Me and a friend have decided to send USB sticks back and forth to give each other the latest stuff we’ve downloaded. We’re only an hour and a half away from each other anyways as it is.

I think thats it…. I paid for £30 worth of the stuff bought. But I offered too… :sigh: Like a good girl…. because my parents are already forking out god-knows how much for uni as it is. And I still have plenty in my account to take care of my preorders. So all is well. And on a side note, Denno Coil is still as awesome as ever!! I’m up to episode 19, it’s amazing I’ve stuck to my rules and am only watching one episode a day, before I go to bed…. remarkable how good my self control is for once! 😀 Getting pretty weird though…

Hope you liked the arty girl pic I found for this post! High res 1.7mb version can be found here at Moe Imouto.